“Mother loss is more than an absence; it's an invisible wound that shapes the core of who we are.”

— Adina Belloli

Dear Motherless Mother,

You're not alone; I intimately understand the depths of your journey. Your struggles, your triumphs, your heartaches—I've felt them too.

My journey was far from easy. Growing up without my mother, who passed away when I was just six months old, shaped the very fabric of my being. Becoming a mother myself reignited those dormant emotions, leading me down a path of self-discovery and healing that I can’t wait to share with you.

May you feel the embrace of our silent sisterhood.

May you find solace in the whispers of our shared stories.

May you find strength in the resilience of your love.

And may the legacy of your own motherhood become a beacon of hope for generations to come.

With love,


As a child & adolescent psychotherapist and motherless mother myself, I understand the unique ache that comes from navigating motherhood without a mother. I’ve witnessed the deep, lasting impact of mother loss not just on individuals but on their families.

My work is dedicated to advocating for those of us who often go unseen—providing a voice, community, and resources for motherless mothers.

Why Do I Do This Work?

For You. You Got This Mama.

I Get You. I See You. I’m Right Here With You.

“I read over your resources & absolutely sobbed! YOU GET IT! Nobody around me gets it.”

“I truly feel like you & I were connected for a reason. I would love to share more of my story & hear more of yours!

I've been longing to find someone that just gets it.”

“Your project will be incredibly valuable to motherless mothers. I think there is a misconception that when you have a family, your grief will lessen because you have a different focus but if anything, I have found the grief just as painful. Maybe it is because I have found motherhood hard and I feel like I really need her.

Having your story, a community and resources will be really helpful.”

Motherless Mothers

Calling All Motherless Mothers: Share Your Story

As a Child Psychotherapist and motherless mother myself, I am embarking on a deeply personal and meaningful journey to collect stories from fellow motherless mothers for an upcoming project.

If you have experienced the loss of your mother, whether through death or strained relationships, and are navigating the complexities of motherhood without her guidance, I would be honoured to hear your story. Your experiences, insights, and resilience are invaluable and have the power to offer solace and connection to others who walk a similar path.

Your confidentiality and privacy will be respected, and your words will be handled with the utmost care and sensitivity.

Want to participate?

This project is a testament to the strength, resilience, and love that endures in the face of loss. My hope is that it will become a vital resource for anyone who has experienced mother loss or strained mother-daughter relationships, offering hope, validation, and a sense of community to those on a journey of motherhood